CHOOSE brasil



Need a place to get away? We can provide an all-exclusive vacation stay. You tell us when, where, and what your plans are. There is no better corner in the world to hide from the dull everyday than the magical Brasil. Relax on the picturesque beaches, visit numerous spas and reside in the breathtaking resorts this location has to offer – and forget all of your worries.


Amazing, all-inclusive resorts, beautiful beaches and mindfulness sessions - these are just a few of the things that will help you relax and enjoy your holiday.

When you want to go

Where you want to stay

How long your vacation will be.


As férias em viagens são uma ótima maneira de recarregar as energias e explorar novos destinos. Quer prefira relaxar na praia ou embarcar numa viagem de aventura, há algo para todos. Faça uma pausa na sua rotina diária e mergulhe em diferentes culturas, culinárias e experiências.


Discover the breathtaking beauty of the tropical landscape as you embark on a journey through lush greenery and vibrant flora. Immerse yourself in the vibrant culture of this idyllic paradise as you hop on a scooter, breeze through the enchanting lagoons, and witness the stunning scenery unfold before your eyes. Feel the wind in your hair and the warmth of the sun on your skin as you explore every corner of this picturesque destination. With a plethora of activities to choose from, you can indulge in thrilling water sports, creating unforgettable memories that will last a lifetime. Whether you're seeking adventure or simply looking to relax and unwind amidst nature's marvels, this holiday promises to be a truly remarkable experience.

We will do all the searching. your tell us what your choices are: Airlines, Hotels, Tours, Sporting events, adventures, even restaurants


Brasil é um país de incríveis aventuras que tiram o fôlego. Desde a vibrante cidade do Rio de Janeiro até a vasta floresta amazônica, não faltam experiências emocionantes para se viver. Explore a icônica praia de Copacabana, onde os ritmos energéticos do samba enchem o ar e as areias douradas se estendem até onde os olhos podem ver. Embarque em uma emocionante caminhada pela densa e diversificada floresta amazônica, encontrando vida selvagem exótica e mergulhando nas maravilhas da natureza. Mergulhe nas águas cristalinas de Fernando de Noronha, um paraíso para os entusiastas do mergulho, e descubra recifes de corais vibrantes e vida marinha colorida. A rica cultura e a calorosa hospitalidade do Brasil tornam cada aventura ainda mais memorável. Então, faça as malas e prepare-se para uma viagem inesquecível pelas paisagens cativantes do Brasil.


Brazilian culture is a treasure trove for those who are curious. With its ancient monuments, vibrant festivals, and exotic cuisine, you can't help but gain a deeper understanding of the Brazilian lifestyle. The culture of Brazil is incredibly rich and diverse, a melting pot of different ethnicities, traditions, and customs. Whether you're immersing yourself in the infectious rhythms of samba and bossa nova or indulging in the tantalizing flavors of feijoada and brigadeiro, Brazil offers an unparalleled sensory experience. Soak in the vibrant energy of the locals as you explore their vibrant culture. From the moment you step foot in Brazil, you'll be captivated by the unique and fascinating tapestry of this incredible country.

Brasil has a multitude of things to do and places that are all extremely important to see. The limitations are what you put on your stay.


O Brasil é um país conhecido por suas festas coloridas e animadas, como o Carnaval, onde as pessoas dançam, cantam e comemoram com fantasias extravagantes. Além disso, a cultura brasileira destaca a importância da família e da comunidade, com relacionamentos estreitos desempenhando um papel significativo na vida cotidiana. As pessoas são calorosas, amigáveis e apaixonadas, criando uma atmosfera acolhedora e inclusiva. A arte, a literatura e os esportes também ocupam um lugar especial na cultura brasileira, com artistas, autores e jogadores de futebol famosos surgindo do país. No geral, a cultura brasileira abrange uma fusão vibrante de tradições, música, comida e valores.


Looking for something a bit more out there? No problem. We are here to help you plan your special experience and find the best solutions on how to make your wishes come true. Contact us to make your dream vacation come true.

There are numerous B&B apartments available in every city, offering a variety of options for accommodation. These apartments can be found in secluded areas throughout the country, ranging from the North to the South, and from the East to the West. For those looking for a short-term rental, there are houses available on a weekly or monthly basis. The range of options is vast, with apartments ranging from one bedroom to five bedrooms, catering to different needs and preferences. Whether you are seeking a cozy space for a solo traveler or a larger accommodation for a family or group, there is something for everyone. Experience the comfort and convenience of these rental apartments during your stay, providing a home away from home.


Brasil is an amazing place to find exactly what you are looking for, be it relief from stress, an exciting adventure or an immersive culture. Contact us so we can help you organize a memorable stay at one of the most magical places on the planet.


How can I begin to describe my time with Brasilian... It was simply life-changing! I always imagined that Brasil would be a breathtaking destination, but thanks to Brasil, I was able to not just experience the culture, but have once-in-a-lifetime memories. I got so much more than I ever anticipated from my holiday.